Wooshin System 017370

Conclusion time 2024-07-26 19:59:31 standard

  • Compared to the
    previous day

  • Fluctuating rate

  • Trading

  • Trade

Details of same-day execution
Time Traded price Compared to the previous day Sales price Purchase price Trading volume
15:30:00 6,890 -130 6,890 6,880 2,282
15:19:30 6,850 -170 6,890 6,880 587
15:19:20 6,890 -130 6,890 6,850 1
15:18:10 6,890 -130 6,880 6,850 28
15:17:50 6,880 -140 6,880 6,860 7
15:17:20 6,890 -130 6,890 6,860 1
15:16:50 6,890 -130 6,890 6,850 14
15:16:20 6,880 -140 6,890 6,850 47
15:16:00 6,900 -120 6,900 6,890 1
15:15:20 6,870 -150 6,890 6,860 33
Details of execution of each day
Date Closing price Compared to the previous day Market price High price Low price Trading volume
Trade cost
24/07/26 6,890 -130 6,950 7,140 6,750 34,352 236,481,480
24/07/25 7,020 -50 6,920 7,090 6,830 26,640 184,740,160
24/07/24 7,070 -10 7,080 7,120 6,980 30,069 211,045,620
24/07/23 7,080 -250 7,330 7,480 7,010 51,565 366,965,470
24/07/22 7,330 -130 7,460 7,460 7,270 18,881 138,391,090
24/07/19 7,460 30 7,430 7,470 7,380 18,603 138,191,490
24/07/18 7,430 -70 7,500 7,500 7,270 21,408 157,881,580
24/07/17 7,500 -10 7,510 7,550 7,430 19,009 141,715,720
24/07/16 7,510 -30 7,540 7,540 7,390 26,030 193,891,150
24/07/15 7,540 50 7,500 7,550 7,350 27,870 207,188,240

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